Fall Term: Week 1
So far things are off to a great start. Online classes all set up, several hours of research writing accomplished, and revising my web presence. Naturally I needed to come back here, too. Can't seem to post here very regularly--at least up to now.
This term my emphases are on teaching better and getting more research done.
Research is on screencasting and online portfolio use by paraprofessionals (Deaf-Blind Interveners, specifically).
My courses are Internet for Educators, Web 2.0/Social Media, and Cultural, Social, and Political Issues in Educational Technology. For the first time in my life, all the courses I am teaching I have taught before. So that feels good. Good!
Doing more work trying to promote learning autonomy in my courses. Doing this by bringing in more self-evaluations and holistic review of activities and less of specific assignment grading. It worked well this summer is the Social Media course, so I'm looking to expand it. So that's good.
Trying to step back in to blogging with smaller tidbits rather than trying to post multiple pieces of brilliance.